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CourtMaster Traffic/Criminal (T/C) Module

CourtMaster Civil/Small Claims (CV) Module


CourtMaster’s CV module provides fast/easy Case Management from case entry to final case disposition, using a Microsoft based platform.


Our Bench Processing module allows quick case processing during court sessions.

Judges, Magistrates or Clerks can use this feature to expedite the small claims case disposition process while court proceedings are taking place. Case history can be viewed and a continuance or new hearing can be scheduled.


If a Magistrate hears the case, a Magistrate’s report (recommendations) can be prepared from the finding for review by the Judge. Once the Judge accepts the report a final Magistrate’s report is created along with a judgment entry, which is automatically docketed.


If the Judge hears the case, judgments can be entered and will be automatically docketed.


Our Auto-Print and Notice Distribution Groups feature allows automatic printing of various documents (i.e. case sheet docket, labels, notices, etc.), to all parties requested. Distribution groups are available for printing of Notices with an option to override the distribution list.


Our Court Date Scheduling feature allows you to schedule revolving court dates, block out dates for unavailable Judges, Magistrate’s, visiting Judges, acting Judges, etc., and have hearings automatically scheduled. You can schedule a hearing type for a specified duration with recurring dates. You can then set the maximum number of cases to be heard for that period and be notified when the maximum number is reached. In addition to the calendar you can have your hearings automatically scheduled when entering a case


Other Key Features:


                      Automated Digital Notification via Text or Email

                      Certified mailer numbering and printing with status and signatures automatically downloaded to a case

                      Built-in word processing capability, does not require MS WORD

                      Users can create/format notices. Package includes basic set of Notices

                      Generates checks for all required disbursements

                      Electronic check signing during check runs

                      Tracks financials by categories within funds.

                      Journal Entries are tracked by book & page, can be viewed online and reprinted anytime.

                      Journal Entries can be electronically signed.

                      Generates parameter driven hearing dockets upon request

                      Allows any number of claims per case

                      Allows an unlimited number of parties on each claim

                      Identifies relationship of each case party to one or more claims

                      Prints summons and other documents with service tracking

                      Prints various labels or envelopes for selected document recipients

                      Audits answer filed and determines the At-Issue date

                      Associates attorneys to parties

                      Maintains funds deposited for future disbursement

                      Allows court to ‘hold’ funds

                      Provides search and retrieval by various parameters

                      Magistrate’s Report is available online during court sessions

                      Provides for and tracks an unlimited number of bank attachments per case

                      Tracks wage garnishment and bank attachment receipts and disbursements

                      Maintains a demographic profile of all parties and makes this information available as new cases are entered

                      Uses court maintained tables to assess standard fees to transactions as they occur

                      Allows for easy flexible reporting.

                      Report Menu allows for quick access and execution of reports

                      Supreme Court Report can be run anytime for current month or past months.





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