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CourtMaster (CM2k) Traffic/Criminal (T/C) Module

CourtMaster Traffic/Criminal (T/C) Module


CourtMaster’s T/C module provides fast/easy Case Management from ticket entry to final case disposition, using a Microsoft based platform.


Our Bench Processing module allows quick case processing during court sessions. The prosecutor or clerk can post results of the pre-trial investigation before the court hearing is held. A Pre-Trial Report is printed and docketed on the case.

The Judge or the Clerk can dispose cases during the hearing with or without a prosecutor recommendation having been entered. If available, the judge can review the prosecutor’s recommendation and make selected changes as desired before posting a judgment on the case.


Our Auto-Print and Notice Distribution Groups feature allows automatic printing of various documents (i.e. case sheet docket, labels, notices, etc.), to all parties requested. Distribution groups are available for printing of Notices with an option to override the distribution list.


Our Court Date Scheduling feature allows you to schedule revolving court dates, block out dates for unavailable Judges, Magistrate’s, visiting Judges, acting Judges, etc., and have hearings automatically scheduled. You can schedule a hearing type for a specified duration with recurring dates. You can then set the maximum number of cases to be heard for that period and be notified when the maximum number is reached. In addition to the calendar you can have your hearings automatically scheduled when entering a case


Police Ticket Integration - This feature will allow the courts to import ticket information into the CourtMaster system. Once the file is imported the clerk can review each ticket as it is present on the screen. With a click of a button the ticket information can be entered into the system eliminating the need for manual entry. When a case is disposed the disposition information can be exported back to the Police system as needed


Other Key Features:


          Automated Digital Notification via Text or Email

          Entry of Docket information by Case or Count

          Track Case by Incident

          Journal entries can be viewed online

          Payment Plans

          Payment History

          Defendant History

          Updates to cost categories, fine distribution formulas or statutes are table driven by the court.

          Can show current total amounts in each cost category, fund and bank account at any time in the present or past.

          User can see all cases for a defendant with associated costs/fines assessed on one payment screen.

          Automatic warrant release & notification to arresting agency

          Certified mailer numbering and printing with status and signatures automatically downloaded to a case

          Built-in word processing capability, does not require MS WORD

          Users can create/format notices. Package includes basic set of Notices

          Generates checks for all required disbursements

          Electronic check signing during check runs

          Tracks financials by categories within funds.

          Allows for easy flexible reporting.

          Report Menu allows for quick access and execution of reports

          Supreme Court Report can be run anytime for current month or past months.

          Journal Entries are tracked by book & page, can be viewed online and reprinted anytime. J/E can be electronically signed.

          Generates parameter driven hearing dockets upon request



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